Thursday, 11 October 2012

Social Harmony Program

Implementing Body:      DASE Foundation Pakistan
Partnership with:            Christen Study Centre                                                  
Total Budgets:                   550,000
Duration:                             1997 to on going                          
Main Activities:                Dialogue between religious groups, Meetings, Forum, Policy Discussion, Poster Publication, Peace Committees formation, Capacity Building, Celebration of Festival
Objectives:                         Bringing 25 different socio-political and religious extremists together through 6 different activities to harmonize varied patches of society.
Raising awareness about peace and social harmony for 50,000 peoples (male & female)
Beneficiaries:                    Bringing 25 different socio-political and religious extremists together through 6 different activities to harmonize varied patches of society.
                                                Raising awareness about peace and social harmony for 50,000 peoples (male & female)
Outcomes/Impact:          The purpose for which we made the first move, no doubt has not yet been achieved from top to bottom. But some positive change can be perceived as a harbinger of better state of affairs. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, DASE will have to do a lot in this regard, but we are hopeful that soil has been made fertile to sow the seeds of better understanding
Strategy:                              Three recently elected councilors hold meetings the people from different social echelon of the society
Different activities of other CBOs to take part in wiping up the basic differences among poles apart group of society
Community meetings of different social groups about the issues of social betterment.
Round table conference
Political leaders representing varied political extreme slants also hold a meeting on the platform provided to them by DASE, they discussed various issues, in the end they agreed upon mutual efforts for the socio-economic condition of their original terra firma.
As a step for CBM, DASE did peace walk as joint effort with other community groups. DASE received rewarding response afterward.
Project Status:              Completed              

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